Tips that will change your outlook on buying diamond
Bring these tips and pick the best diamond for yourself or your loved one.
Also Read:- Best Diamond Engagement Ring for Your Loved One
Carefully compromise
Diamonds are an expensive affair. Some people find it pricier than what you expected before. If you know how to pick your diamond carefully, you won’t find it that expensive.
Before you set out to buy the stone make sure you spare a look at your finances and set a budget for buying your first diamond jewelry. Next, you can have a look at the cost of the diamond. See if you can afford it, even if it a small stone. If you don’t prepare yourself, you may end up compromising the diamond that you initially wanted to buy.
Here, compromising doesn’t refer to the bargained price. Don’t go looking for good deals in diamond, but only fair deals. If you see a stone is lower in value, then you need to know the reason behind it. A diamond of lower carat value will have a lower rate. It will be a good deal for you. You can get a ring or a stud of your dreams if you compromise on the carat size.
This is way better than compromising on the value of the stone. Isn’t it?
Consider buying alternative over mined stone
Looking at the diamond market, you may get overwhelmed with the options available. It would be great if you could look at other alternatives to mined diamonds. Even they would make great jewelry stones. Like for instance, synthetic diamonds have gained popularity as an alternative to natural ones.
As soon as you plan to buy a diamond created in the lab, the cost dips down 30% less instantly. You won’t be able to make out the difference between the two with the naked eye. Diamonds may seem traditional but colored gems and even lab diamonds could be great options for durable daily wear jewelry.
Emerald, ruby, and sapphire are the popular alternatives but other gems such as aquamarine, morganite also make astonishing jewelry.
Rely on cut quality
Whenever you go to buy a diamond, you will get the grading report for the same from reputable institutions such as the American Gem Society or Gemmological Institute of America. The report will contain all the information about the diamond. Not even the jeweler can hide it from you.
The report has details about the stone’s main ingredients 4 Cs ie, Color, Carat, Cut, and Clarity. Still, it will be good if you can examine it closely. The first indication of the quality of the stone will be these grades.
Among the four, cut is the most important factor. It is the cut and shaping of the diamond that decides the amount of light getting reflected and refracted from the stone. A well-cut stone will make other imperfections caused by the clarity or the colorless noticeable. A well-shaped stone will always have a bright look to it and would appear larger than its actual carat size.
It will be best you don’t compromise with the cut grades of your diamond. Lowering the grade of the cut of your diamond can cause a dull look. So, while shopping for diamond jewelry try and keep the standards for the cut quality higher.
Carat size would influence price more
You mostly pay the price of carat weight while going on to buy the diamond. The cost of diamonds is decided according to the price-per-carat. They fluctuate at ‘magic numbers’. These are benchmark carat sizes when the prices of the diamond go up.
0.50cts, 1.00cts, 1.50cts, 2.00cts, 3.00cts, and so on are those magic numbers that see changes in the quality costs. The prices will increase exponentially with the increase in carat weight.
Keeping clarity and color simple
When it comes to a diamond even clarity and color have grading parameters. It will be best to think of it in terms of not good or good.
For judging the color of the diamond you may want to decide it by saying whether it is colorless or not. For clarity, the stone may either seem flawless or not so eye-clean.
Now you know how confusing it can get to buy the perfect stone for yourself. Some of the other parameters are yet to be discussed. Still, with this basic idea, you can pick a great diamond.
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